Read Online Book Flexible Manufacture Of Lightweight Frame Structures: Phase II: Integration - Preface In TXT, FB2, RTF, DJVU, PDF !FULL!카테고리 없음 2021. 4. 11. 05:11
Download Read Online Book Flexible Manufacture Of Lightweight Frame Structures: Phase II: Integration - Preface In TXT, FB2, RTF, DJVU, PDF Download Introduction --Loss as part of the family disease of alcoholism --It's not just about death --Physical, emotional, and spiritual symptoms of grief --Grief and loss in the journey toward recovery --How to use this book --Chapter 1: Grief as a process --Admitting our grief --The recurring nature of grief --When an old loss revisits us --Questioning our recovery --Giving ourselves time to grieve --Members share experience, strength, and hope: Grief as a process --Questions for reflection and meditation --Chapter 2: Living with the family disease of alcoholism --A disease of losses --Changing the dynamics of our relationships --Coping with uncertainty and crisis --Moving out of chaos --Living with chronic illness due to alcoholism --Anticipatory grief --The gift of detachment --Members share experience, strength, and hope: Living with the family disease of alcoholism --Questions for reflection and meditation --Chapter 3: Loss of the dream --Mourning what was lost, grieving what never was --Grieving for our children --Coming to terms with our unmet expectations --Facing financial loss --Loss of self-awareness --Members share experience, strength, and hope: Loss of the dream --Questions for reflection and meditation --Chapter 4: Grieving for our childhood --Growing up with active alcoholism --Freedom to feel --Dealing with abuse and violence from our past --Accepting the families we had --Forgiving our families --Al-Anon as family --Members share experience, strength, and hope: Grieving for our childhood --Questions for reflection and meditation --Chapter 5: Loss in relationships --Should I leave or should I stay? --When the decision to leave is ours --When the decision to leave is not ours --Separation and divorce due to alcoholism --Healing our relationships with our adult children --Members share experience, strength, and hope: Loss in relationships --Questions for reflection and meditation --Chapter 6: Death of a loved one --Understanding our feelings --Relief --Facing a suicide or sudden death --Unresolved issues and unfinished business --Coping with the death of a Sponsor --Fear of never getting over it --Permission to move forward --Members share experience, strength, and hope: Death of a loved one --Questions for reflection and meditation --Chapter 7: Dealing with our feelings --Permission to feel --Coping with a multitude of feelings --Numbness and denial --Guilt and regret --Anger --Depression and isolation --Why me? --The other side of grief --Members share experience, strength, and hope: Dealing with our feelings --Questions for reflection and meditation --Chapter 8: Taking care of ourselves --Defining care for ourselves --Asking for help --Tending to our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being --Turning to our Higher Power --How the Steps can help --Making use of the slogans --Attending meetings --Keep coming back --How sponsorship can help --Growth through service --Reading our literature --Members share experience, strength, and hope: Taking care of ourselves --Questions for reflection and meditation --Chapter 9: Spiritual growth from grieving --Increased self-awareness and self-esteem --Letting go and moving on --Reflecting on our progress --Gratitude --Hope for today --Members share experience, strength, and hope: Spiritual growth from grieving --Questions for reflection and meditation.
At head of title: Antarctic Press photo reference
"Hope and help for families and friends of alcoholics "Includes index Contains 60 radio programs from the 40's and 50's.
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